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Nasal And Sinus Surgery Specialist

Advanced ENT & Allergy

Otolaryngology (ENT) & Otolaryngic Allergist located in Newport News, VA

If you regularly experience difficulty breathing or suffer from chronic sinusitis, nasal and sinus surgery can provide lasting relief. At Advanced ENT & Allergy, ENT specialists Timothy Queen, MD, Erica Cherry, FNP-BC, and the team provide advanced nasal and sinus surgery both at the hospital and in the office. To make an appointment, call the practice in Newport News, Virginia, or click the online booking feature today.

Nasal and Sinus Surgery Q&A

What is nasal and sinus surgery?

Nasal and sinus surgery is a group of procedures that treat issues affecting the nose and sinuses, including chronic sinus infections, septal deviations, and nasal polyps.

If you have trouble breathing and conservative treatments like prescription medication don’t provide relief, nasal and sinus surgery might be necessary.

What are the types of nasal and sinus surgery?

At Advanced ENT & Allergy, the team offers several types of nasal and sinus surgery, including:

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)

FESS is a minimally invasive procedure that’s performed in the operating room or in the office. During FESS, your Advanced ENT & Allergy provider uses an endoscope –– a thin tube with a high-definition camera and a bright light on the end –– to see the inside of your nose and sinuses. 

Your provider uses special tools with the endoscope to clean your sinuses and help stop headaches and infections.

Turbinate reduction

Turbinate reduction is a type of nasal surgery that relieves inflammation of your nasal turbinates –– small structures inside your nose that humidify the air you breathe through your nostrils. During treatment, your provider uses various techniques to reduce the size of the turbinate, making it easier to breathe.


Septoplasty corrects abnormalities of your septum –– the piece of cartilage that separates your nostrils. Your Advanced ENT & Allergy provider uses special tools to straighten your septum during the procedure, increasing your nasal airflow.

What does nasal and sinus surgery involve?

The Advanced ENT & Allergy team performs nasal and sinus surgery onsite and at the hospital. Where you have your surgery depends on various factors, including your age, medical history, and the type of procedure you need.

On the day of your procedure, your anesthesiologist administers general anesthesia, putting you to sleep. Once you’re comfortable, they use special tools to make the necessary repairs to your nose or sinuses. 

After surgery, you’re moved to a recovery room for observation. When the anesthesia wears off, your provider explains how to care for your surgical site and provides tips to encourage your body’s natural healing process. 

To see if you’re a candidate for nasal and sinus surgery, make an appointment at Advanced ENT & Allergy by calling the office or clicking the online booking feature today.