6 Back-to-School Tips for Kids with Asthma

Your child is back in school, and you want to make sure that their school year goes as smoothly as possible. But you worry that their asthma has different plans, so you want to do what you can to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to managing this common condition.
When we say common, we’re referring to the 4.5 million kids in the United States who have asthma.
As a pediatric ENT specialist, Dr. Timothy Queen sees a good number of kids who have asthma at Advanced ENT & Allergy. We’ve helped scores of parents send their kids off to school with more peace of mind, knowing that there’s a plan in place for their asthma.
In the following, we review some back-to-school tips that we routinely share with parents of kids with asthma.
1. Make sure the school is aware of your child’s asthma
In your rush to make sure your child has everything they need for class, remember to confirm that the appropriate school officials know of your child’s asthma. Don’t rely on people reading through school physicals. Instead, call or visit the school to talk to the administration and any nursing staff on the premises.
This is especially important if your child is entering a new school.
It’s also a good idea to supply copies of your asthma action plan, which we discuss next.
2. Update (or create) an asthma action plan with us
An asthma action plan is something that anyone with asthma should have on hand. This written plan outlines triggers, medications, symptoms, and emergency contact information.
Click here to get an idea of a typical plan. Better yet, make an appointment to update or create this plan with us.
Once you have your child’s asthma action plan, make dozens of copies and pass them out to whomever you feel needs one — school health staff, coaches, etc.
3. Make inhalers and medications available
If your kid has asthma, you already ensure that they have the proper medications or inhalers with them at all times. It’s also a very good idea to have some backups at school if they allow it. Schools can be tricky about medications, but if your school is able to keep a backup inhaler, take advantage of that.
4. Clearly mark the medications
While pharmacies stick instructions onto your child’s asthma medications, it’s a good idea to clarify them. Take a marker and write the instructions and your child’s name in large, bold lettering that’s obvious to anyone.
5. Talk to your child about vaping and smoking
If your child is of an age at which they might encounter pressure to vape or smoke, sit down and have a talk with them about the dangers of these habits, especially when they have asthma.
6. Get your child’s vaccine up to date
With numerous respiratory viruses on the loose, it’s a good idea to make sure that your kid’s vaccines are up to date, especially for flu, COVID-19, pneumonia, and pertussis (whooping cough).
If you’d like help pulling together your asthma action and back-to-school plans, we're just a phone call or click away. To schedule an appointment, please contact our office in Newport News, Virginia, today.
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